If you want to up the ante and get ahead of the competition on social media a good place to start is with your visuals. So, to help you on your way here’s our handy guide to social media image sizes for 2020.
Because of COVID-19 more and more businesses are becoming increasingly active online, which means there’s more competition now than ever. To stand out, make sure your social’s are on point and are as visually rich as your written content.
Let’s help you stand out from the crowd
Using the right image dimensions in your social posts ensures your visual assets look their best and cut through where others don’t. Check out our infographic to learn more about social media images sizes.
Good, better best. Never let it rest. ‘Til your good is better and your better is best.
Talk to us and see how Yogurt Top, can help bring your social media to life with our straightforward social media management packages.
For more helpful hints and tips check out the rest of our blog.